Mills Fire Department, American Red Cross, Kiwanis 307, and Lariat Trailer Court Install Smoke Alarms and Provide Inspections for Residents

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Justin Melin | February 6, 2019

On Saturday, January 19th, Mills Fire Department partnered with the American Red Cross, Kiwanis 307 and Lariat trailer court to assist Lariat residents with smoke alarm installs and home inspections along with fire safety information. It was a very successful day, we reached out to 97 homes, 56 of which were inspected.

Overall, 60 new smoke alarms were installed in the homes; of these, 26 homes did not have any alarms. 30 homes had alarms and 19 of those 30 were in service and working. Thank you to all the personnel, volunteers, and Mills Subway – who provided lunch to everyone – for making this a successful event!