Mosquito Control

The City of Mills Public Works Department would like to announce that mosquito fogging will begin starting the week of June 4th and continue through the mosquito season using a truck-mounted ultra-low volume aerosol sprayer. Spraying is scheduled Monday – Thursday weather permitting, between the hours of 9 pm and 1 am.

Fogging for mosquitoes will be performed in areas that have unacceptable concentrations of nuisance mosquitoes or where health-threatening species have been detected. These locations will be established based on citizen feedback.

In an effort to control mosquito populations, City crews have been actively treating standing bodies of water in and around Mills for mosquito larva, which greatly reduces the development of adult mosquitoes.

The public can also help control mosquitoes. Eliminating standing water greatly reduces mosquito breeding grounds. Stagnant ponds and wetlands are favorites for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs, but even a few tablespoons of water will do. So please clean your rain gutters, store buckets upside down, drain unused troughs, and eliminate any other places that hold water around your home.

For questions or to request that your home be in a “NO SPRAY ZONE” please call the Mills City Hall @ 307-234-6679

The “5 D’s” of West Nile Virus Prevention Include:

  • DAWN and DUSK – Mosquitos prefer to feed at dawn or dusk, so avoid being outside during these times.
  • DRESS – Wear shoes, socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt outdoors. Clothing should be light-colored and made of tightly woven materials.
  • DRAIN – Mosquitos breed in shallow, stagnant water. Reduce the amount of standing water by draining and/or removing.
  • DEET – Use an insect repellent containing DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide). When using DEET, be sure to read and follow label instructions.